MeshBox Biweekly Report (2022.11.05–2022.11.18)

On October 26th, MeshBox Peter and MetaLife youth ambassador Selena Xiang went to Atlanta, Georgia, USA to visit Neema Namudamu’s Hero Women Rising fundraising event. The parties discussed how to use MeshBoxes in the eastern DRC to introduce internet access in the Haut Plateau region around the city of Minembwe. MeshBoxes can provide an access network using WiFi, and any WiFi-enabled devices can connect to each other and to the Internet.

Professor Li Guoquan, director and consultant of MeshBox, visited Australia and gave a speech at The University of Theo, which aroused the interest of the mayor of Perth in the development of blockchain. In April next year, a blockchain conference will be jointly held in Perth. Professor Li called MeshBox consultant Henry in Perth and said that in his speech, he presented the advantages of the value Internet that the MeshBox solution can bring to Australia, which is sparsely populated.

1. Researching UDP penetration technology, so as to reduce the forwarding pressure of the UDP forwarding server;

2. Writing the MeshBox POM UDP communication forwarding program and designing the forwarding protocol, so that a MeshBox without a public network IP address can communicate through the forwarding server.

The specific work of the market business market is as follows:

1. Professor Li Guoquan, director and consultant of MeshBox, visited Australia and gave a speech at The University of Theo, which aroused the interest of the mayor of Perth in the development of blockchain. In April next year, a blockchain conference will be jointly held in Perth. Professor Li called MeshBox consultant Henry in Perth and said that in his speech, he presented the advantages of the value Internet that the MeshBox solution can bring to Australia, which is sparsely populated.

2. On October 26th, MeshBox Peter and MetaLife youth ambassador Selena Xiang went to Atlanta, Georgia, USA to visit Neema Namudamu’s Hero Women Rising fundraising event. The parties discussed how to use MeshBoxes in the eastern DRC to introduce internet access in the Haut Plateau region around the city of Minembwe. MeshBoxes can provide an access network using WiFi, and any WiFi-enabled devices can connect to each other and to the Internet.

3. The “Forgotten Faces” non-profit NFT sales activity in cooperation between MeshBox and Mawoud Learning Center is ongoing. The funds obtained through the sales activities will be used to purchase distance learning equipment (laptops, MeshBoxes), so that female students in the learning center can benefit from distance education and reduce their chances of encountering terrorist attacks. In addition, MeshBox is communicating with Georgiana, a Hong Kong teacher, who will start teaching web design to female students in the Mawoud Learning Center, hoping that they can earn some income and improve their living conditions by providing web design services.

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