MeshBox DeFi+NFT Detailed Instructions for Founding members for Value Internet

There are a total of 85 MeshBoxes in the first production batch, and thus 85 Genesis MBOX NFT available for Investors to swap.  When the MeshBox HyperMesh Investors (MHI) have invested in all 85 Genesis MBOX NFTs, the mining for ROI generation will start.

  1. Become a Genesis MeshBox HyperMesh Investor and reap ROI via MeshBox DeFi+NFT mining.Two methods are available.

A. First method

  • Download imToken2.0 from
  • Open imToken2.0, copy and paste the address

in the built-in browser to open the MeshBox DAPP

B. Second method:

  • Open Google Chrome and copy/paste the active address

(or search for Metamask in chrome://extensions/extensions to install)

  • Install Metamask, after the installation is complete, you may continue the process.

To enter the event page in the above 2 methods, you need to use USDT (authorization required) to pay for swap (gas consumption). Please ensure that your wallet address has sufficient USDT, and you can swap multiple NFTs at the same address(Related to the amount of USDT authorized). Up to 85 users can redeem the USDT paid (upper right corner of the page) for this launch.

When this (Genesis batch) mining pool has 85 swaps, the NFT swap is halted and the Mining process will start.

Authorization USDT: The wallet address authorization USDT limit is a one-time, default available authorization limit of 10000USDT(2000USDT per NFT), can be modified by yourself.The current address can be increased by paying more than one NFT.

Attention! The authorized amount available here is a payable amount, not a direct payment. You have to click the pay USDT button to enter the payment process.

Example for Authorizing USDT:

Example for DAPP using:


  1. After the MESH mining based on the MBOX NFT has started, you, as an MHI can check for the ROI income in the form of MESH.
  • Download the SmartMesh Tango App from

  • Open the Tango APP(4 above)
  • Import the wallet address which was used to transfer USDT to swap the MBOX NFT.
  • Open the ecological page, click MeshBox mining income, you can view the NFT mining income.

See the example below.


  1. Continual ROI for the MHI

After the first batch of MBOX (corresponding to the first projection batch of MeshBox) have been issued, the MeshBox project team will build the first mining pool and start the MESH mining process.

  • The first DeFi mining pool has 86,700,000 MESH, and will be mined for the duration of the next 6,000,000 Spectrum blocks
  • The Spectrum network generates a new block every 14s nominally, with a nominal 6171 blocks (=60 sec/min * 60 min/hour * 24 hours/day / 14 seconds per block) per day.Thus, 6,000,000 blocks correspond to approximately 2.66 years).
  • The Launch Event encompasses a total of 85 MBOXs, which correspond to 85 Alpha production MeshBoxes with a required investment of 2000 USDT.The total ROI of each MBOX for Alpha batch is 1,020,000 MESH (=86,700,000 MESH/85 MBOX), and the ROI is distributed as each Spectrum blocks is generated. The ROI of each block for each MBOX is 0.17 MESH (=1,020,000 MESH /6,000,000 total block times), with a daily ROI of approximately 1049.07 MESH (= 0.17 MESH * 6171 blocks per day).
  • 10% of the total MESH in the second DeFi mining pool (number TBD) will be allocated to the MBOX of the first mining pool, and the remaining 90% will be allocated to the MBOX in this second mining pool.The mining rules are similar to that of the first mining Pool.
  • 5% of the total MESH in the third DeFi mining pool will be allocated to the MBOX of the first mining pool, 5% will be allocated to the MBOX of the second mining pool, and the remaining 90% will be allocated to this third mining pool.
  • Continuing, successive mining pool N will always allocate 10% of the total MESH in that mining pool to the previous N-1 mining pools, so that previous generations earn additional ROI, and the remaining 90% will be allocated to mining pool N.

Therefore, the earlier (MBOX NFT batch) you become an MHI and enter the mining pool, the higher the overall ROI.

  1. How to trade MBOX NFT with other investors (for Liquidity)
  • MHI Investors who own an NFT can choose to sell their NFT by going to the Tango APP-Eco-MeshBox mining revenue screen and clicking on the upper right corner “Transfer” button.
  • Your unclaimed ROI proceeds (MESH tokens) will be settled into your wallet before your MBOX NFT is sold.
  • After you initiate the sell order, until your MBOX NFT is sold, or you cancel the sell order, the potential ROI you would have received will be sent to the smart-contract and destroyed.
  • For the time being, only SMT trading NFT is supported, other crypto currencies will be supported later.

An Example is shown below, for how to initiate the MBOX NFT sell order.

To view the market status of your MBOX NFT sell order :

There are two ways to manage your pending sell order, including the option to cancel your pending sell orders).

  1. Market menu method

  1. Address NFT Menu method

  1. How to query the contract address and source code

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