MeshBox Weekly (2019.06.24-2019.06.30)

Last Friday, the SMT·MESH Community Preparatory Committee was formally established. At 8pm on Saturday, SmartMesh COO Kent Qian held an in-depth discussion with all the members of the Preparatory Committee to talk about the rights and responsibilities of the Preparatory Committee, the formation, rights, and responsibilities of the Community Committee.

After signing the NDA with an Inclusive Wi-Fi company from the Philippines last week, MeshBox CTO Dr. Peter Yan had a meeting with them yesterday to discuss cooperation on both Wi-Fi networks that are already deployed and Wi-Fi networks that will be deployed soon.

Here are our specific works this week:



  1. MeshBox system software version 1.2.4 is being developed, continue testing after fixing the bug from Paid Internet.
  2. Complete the requirements documentation for the Tesla 4G module and the basic driver debugging.
  3. Submits system software pre-test for Tesla device.



  1. MeshBox Maxwell Project: Rectify and finish the Safety Certification for the new Maxwell.
  2. MeshBox Tesla Project: rf part of the PCB has been proofed back and has been debugged.
  3. MeshBox Tesla Project: Making the motherboard.
  4. MeshBox Tesla Project: Making the outer shell.

The specific work of the market is as follows:


  1. After signing the NDA with an Inclusive Wi-Fi company from the Philippines last week, MeshBox CTO Dr. Peter Yan had a meeting with them yesterday to discuss cooperation on both their Wi-Fi networks that are already deployed and Wi-Fi networks that will be deployed soon. The company has partnered with more than 70 second-tier operators on the sharing of broadband services. Currently, this Inclusive WiFi company uses H5 pages to carry its profit models such as ad push, title sponsorships, and service fees. The two sides discussed the integration of SmartMesh wallet in the app and use SMT and MESH to pay.


  1. Last Friday, the SMT·MESH Community Preparatory Committee was formally established. At 8pm on Saturday, SmartMesh COO Kent Qian held an in-depth discussion with all the members of the Preparatory Committee to talk about the rights and responsibilities of the Preparatory Committee, the formation, rights, and responsibilities of the Community Committee.

The main points of this seminar are as follows:

1) The Preparatory Committee will be responsible for determining the election methods, rules, and regulations of the Community Committee and organizing the Community Committee.

2) The Community Committee will participate in SMT mining as a standing committee node, and the mining revenue will be allocated by the Community Committee. The Community Committee will set up an impeachment mechanism.

3) The mode of election of the Community Committee members: anyone can participate, the candidates will conduct a campaign speech, and the SmartMesh wallet will set up a voting mechanism.

4) The term of the Community Committee members is 6 months. A community election is held every 6 months. The whole community votes for the new members of the Community Committee.

Regarding to this proposal, seven members of the Preparatory Committee have agreed: (WeChat ID) 雷涛, Bob, anray, 鹏鹏, Mr.黄, 当幸福来敲门, and 红豆; One member abstained, they were忆苦思甜. The proposal was passed.

5) The SmartMesh Foundation participates in the SMT Standing Committee node and all profits will be used for building the community. The Community Committee will participate in SMT mining as a standing committee node, and the mining revenue will be allocated by the Community Committee.


On March 26, MeshBox Advisor Henry Wang inspected the MeshBox production line. Note: SMT in the figure refers to the Surface Mount System, which happens to be the abbreviation of SmartMesh project token.

At April 28 5:00pm, the SMT·MESH Community Preparatory Committee election ended. Thanks to all community members for voting! The WeChat ID pf the top four candidates are Mr.黄, anray, 鹏鹏, and当幸福来敲门. The previously decided members have the WeChat IDs: Bob,雷涛, 红豆和忆苦思甜. The above eight candidates will become the member of the committee. The two alternate members are 【陕西玄德若谷】运营总监 and 与时俱进. We have established the SMT·MESH Community Preparatory Committee and begin discussions on the organization of the Community Committee. The Community Committee will listen to the community’s opinions and propose proposals to strengthen community consensus and contribute to the development of the SMT·MESH community.

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